Tuesday, July 19, 2011


It seems that I haven't blogged since last August. I guess my only excuse is that I'm a very busy lady, what with moving across the state in November, followed by an out-of-town wedding in April, a honeymoon shortly thereafter, filming a TV show, and the every day occurrences of being a newlywed and a homeowner. I have zero excuse for not blogging more often. I know. Shame. On. Me.

My plan is to blog about each of the above things because they sooo deserve to be elaborated upon!

Get ready, people. It's about to go down.

That is, after I tackle the next thing on my list. The almost-maybe-sorta-I-hope-please-make-it-happen new job.

p.s. As I re-read the above, I realize how very blessed I am. (Smile)


NatureCat said...

Hooooooray! Welcome back Cupcake.

Jennjilla said...

I'm ready for some good updates!!!