Saturday, June 13, 2009

My Favorite Things

One of my fave bloggers (girl v. the world) posted a "favorite things" blog, and I thought it was a cute idea. Here are some (but not nearly all) of the things that make me smile. 

1) The perfect old worn-in t-shirt.

2) The smell of clean laundry. (especially clean sheets and a bed that's made. Feels like a hotel, only wayyy better because it's yours!)

3) Getting a sneak-peek at wildlife.  I was lucky enough to see a hawk near its nest, a deer, a jackrabbit, and 2 skunks on a walk a few days ago. 

4) I love a romantic comedy any day. One of my favorites - 27 Dresses.

5) Houses. Everything about houses. The architecture. The smell of new construction. The interior design. I heart houses.  Nuff said. 

6) The one day of the week that I don't have to work - Sunday. I can sleep late(r), sip on coffee, take a long shower, and I don't even have to blow dry my hair if I don't wanna. 

7) Fossils.  I don't know. Something about them fascinates me. I desperately want to find an arrowhead too, but that hasn't happened yet. 

8) Water - Beach. Lake. River. Koi pond.  I don't care. I don't even need to be IN the water. I just want it near me. I like the sound and serenity of it.

9) Learning.  I will never grow tired of learning. 

10) How the day after a storm is perfect, with perfect white puffy clouds. As if nothing had happened the day before. 


Angela Tolsma said...

great list

Joy said...

All very good things, as Martha would say. I especially liked the Batman shirt. I personally would have picked Transformers, but hey, that's just me.

Carly said...

Hey, slim pickins when you search for comfy old t-shirts on google.